Our Enrolment Procedure:
Enrolling is a two-part process, as is outlined below:
1. Enrolment Application
2. Confirmation of Enrolment
Enrolment Applications:
- Complete the online enrolment application form.
- Provide a copy of your child's Birth Certificate.
- Provide a copy of your child's latest school report (for those who have attended school).
- Payment of the $150 Application Fee (see below for payment options) through the secure digital portal.
Confirmation of Enrolment
- The enrolment application is processed and parents are advised of availability of placement. Digital enrolment confirmation forms will be provided to parents.
- Complete enrolment confirmation forms
- Payment of the $350 Confirmation Fee through the secure digital portal
Please note: completing the Application Form and providing accompanying documentation does not guarantee a position at the School. Each Application is reviewed and parents will be contacted regarding the offer of a place.
Students with Disability
As an inclusive School, our Director of Enrolments and Head of Educational Support will consult with parents during the enrolment phase for a student with disability. At this point parents will also be asked to provide permission for the School to consult with the child’s allied health providers and their current school (where applicable). Parents are invited to make contact with our Director of Enrolments to initiate the process of determining if the School has the ability to meet the family’s expectations.