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School App & Parent Lounge
The School App and Parent Lounge are important and convenient communication tools for parents and families.
School App
The School App is available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play, by searching Townsville Grammar School.
- Search Townsville Grammar School and download
- Go to Settings (bottom of screen)
- Select NOTIFICATIONS - enable - this will allow you to receive important School notices
- Select SUBSCRIPTIONS - select the Year Levels and co-curricular activities that are relevant
Parent Lounge
Parent Lounge provides parents and families with an online portal, with access to a range of information and services.
Parents are provided with a Username and Password on enrolment, and logging in will provide access to the following services:
- Check attendance records
- View student timetables
- View current and past academic reports
- View individual subject results
- Email class teachers
- Book and view Parent Teacher Interview appointments
- Electronically accept and pay for tours, excursions and school activities
- Check and pay account statements online
- Update student and family details and medical information
- Access School notices and policies
- Access the Sports Portal for handbooks, fixtures and results
Parents will be provided with a Username and Password at enrolment.
- Log on to Parent Lounge
- Login using your five digit numerical Username and your Password.
- Welcome
- Our School
- Our Community
- Enrol
- Connect
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