Book Orders 2024 - Box of Books
In mid 2023 we were advised that our usual text book supplier would no longer be operating. After an extensive search, TGS selected the online supplier, Box of Books to be the School’s new textbook supplier.
As a result of the ordering system utilised by Box of Books, they require a much earlier deadline for ordering of printed textbooks.
For any hard copy textbooks your child will need in 2024, please note that the deadline for ordering is Friday, 8 December 2023 to ensure delivery for the 2024 school year.
Orders can be submitted after this date. If Box of Books do have spare hard copies available, they can be filled, but only a digital copy can be guaranteed for orders placed after Friday, 8 December.
Please find below a list of FAQs. If you have any questions at all, please read the FAQs first and then email me with any other queries you may have.
What textbooks does my child need? See the relevant list on the Commencement Information section of the website:
What subjects does my child have for 2024? There are minimal electives in Years 7 & 8, but in Years 9 – 12, students and parents will receive an email early next week, confirming their subjects.
If the list offers both hard and digital copies which one is best? If you do purchase a hard copy the digital access is automatically included so this allows access to both. Digital copies can be downloaded to your laptop or other device for your child to bring that to School each day, if you do wish to purchase digital only. See the BYOD Policy and Recommendations section of if you want more information about that.
Can digital copies be accessed everywhere? Digital copies of the textbooks can be accessed anywhere where your child has a laptop / desktop and an internet connection, so these can be extremely convenient. Keep in mind that TGS laptops are not necessarily available in every lesson so a fully digital purchase would also need your child to carry their own device.
Why are some textbooks listed as hard copy only? Some of the textbooks are workbooks and require students to complete work in them, therefore are only available in hard copy.
I cannot work out how to use the online ordering for Box of Books. Often a new system does take some familiarisation. There are “How to” videos on the Box of Books site, once you have created an account. Our own IT team can also assist, if you still cannot access this: [email protected]
What about second hand books? We are running our Buy Swap Sell market on Monday, 20 November from 3:30 – 5:30 pm in the MS Plaza. Please ensure that you only buy second hand books that are on the lists for 2024. Some textbooks are changing, especially in Humanities. You can also find pre-loved books on Marketplace.
What if I miss the 8 December deadline for a hard copy? You can certainly still try – there may be one available. Otherwise you can either seek an alternative supplier or your child can use a digital textbook. Digital resources can be utilised from the moment they are purchased and can be made throughout the year.
What if my child changes to a new subject and needs a new textbook part way through the year?
The digital versions are guaranteed to be available immediately for the whole year. Hard copies might be available, either through Box of Books or an alternative supplier.
Where do we buy stationery?
The stationery lists are also provided at You can purchase them through any back to school stationery supplier.